Real Estate Ads Guide

As a real estate agent, connecting with your target audience is essential for generating income and expanding your professional network. Your network plays a crucial role in consistently generating leads, which are vital for your success in the industry.

If you’ve been in real estate for some time, you understand the importance of having a strong network. It’s your network that provides you with valuable leads time and time again.

Are you making the most of Facebook ads as part of your real estate strategy? If not, you could be missing out on valuable leads and opportunities to grow your network.

In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of using real estate Facebook ads, their associated costs, and how they can effectively generate leads for your business. Additionally, we’ll provide you with practical tips on creating ad campaigns and showcase some real-life examples to inspire you.

Ready to enhance your property’s visibility through real estate Facebook ads? Let’s get started!

What are Real Estate Facebook Ads. Exploring Their Importance in Driving Property Sales

Facebook, now known as Meta, boasts nearly three billion users, a number that continues to grow with promising future prospects.

In today’s competitive real estate market, standing out is key. Real estate Facebook ads are a powerful tool for catching the attention of potential clients, with 90% of realtors utilizing them to promote their businesses.

Using these ads offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Reaching a wider audience and increasing exposure.

  • Effectively advertising your services.

  • Targeting the right audience for property listings and closing sales.

  • Building social proof through testimonials and sold listings.

  • Generating more leads that could turn into potential buyers.

In summary, Facebook ads provide agents with a cost-effective means of promoting their real estate offerings. Understanding how to use this tool is essential for any realtor in today’s digital landscape.

Creating a Facebook business page is the first step in branding yourself. From there, you can showcase properties, share updates, and engage with your audience. When the time is right, you can leverage ads to boost your visibility and reach.

Now, let’s delve into the cost aspect!

Diving Into the Dollars: Determining the Cost of Implementing Real Estate Facebook Ads

Facebook operates using a bidding system for its ads. This means that the cost of running an ad is determined by how much advertisers are willing to pay to reach their target audience. Therefore, it’s advisable to start with a small ad budget to test the effectiveness of your campaign.

The price of real estate Facebook ads isn’t set in stone. Costs vary based on several factors, including the relevance of your ad content. If your ads are eye-catching, feature compelling visuals, and have engaging captions, Facebook’s algorithm will take notice. The benefit? They’ll likely be more cost-effective for you to run!

When it comes to determining the price of a real estate Facebook ad, there are two main approaches:

  1. Set a total budget for the campaign.

  2. Decide on the amount you’re willing to pay for each desired outcome.

Additionally, Facebook provides various tools and settings to help you manage your ad budget according to your specific needs and goals.

For example, if you have a budget of $500 for your real estate ads, you can allocate this amount across different aspects of your campaign. However, while you can control how much you spend on the campaign, Facebook doesn’t guarantee specific results.

Similarly, if you opt to pay for specific outcomes, such as clicks or conversions, there are different methods for setting up your campaign. Nevertheless, Facebook can’t ensure that you’ll achieve the exact results you’re aiming for.

When planning your budget for real estate Facebook ads, it’s crucial to consider factors such as your advertising spend, target audience, and preferred ad placement. Conducting A/B testing is essential for optimizing your campaigns. By comparing different ad variations, you can identify which performs best and adjust your budget accordingly for a fully optimized campaign.

Harnessing Facebook’s Power: Exploring How Ads Drive Leads for Real Estate Agents

Facebook uses different pricing models in online advertising. Each model has a distinct purpose, depending on the advertiser’s goals.

Advertisers pay for every thousand times their ad is displayed, regardless of whether users interact with it or not. This model works well for building brand awareness or getting a message across. The typical cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for real estate ads on Facebook is $8.97. However, this price may vary depending on market conditions.



Here are the 4 main ad models Facebook uses to run campaigns:

This pricing model charges advertisers for every lead generated from their ads. It’s commonly used when the aim is to gather user information like email addresses or phone numbers. This data can then be used to improve future marketing campaigns.

For instance, you could utilize this type of ad to gather contact information for your next cold call list.

The average cost per lead (CPL) for ads on Facebook is $6.53 (as of March 2024). However, this cost can vary greatly depending on industry competition.


In this model, advertisers pay for specific actions taken by users, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or filling out a form.

The cost per action (CPA) varies depending on the desired action and the effectiveness of the ad campaign.

The CPA ad model can be categorized into:

  • Cost per Engagement (CPE): In this category, you’re charged based on user activity like likes, comments, and shares. The average price for this type of ad is $0.078.

Escribe tu Cost Per Install (CPI): With CPI, you’re charged based on the number of installations or purchases users make. The average price for this type of ad is $2.61. aquí...


In this approach, advertisers are charged for every click on their ads. It’s often used when the primary goal is to increase traffic to a website or landing page. The average cost per click (CPC) for real estate ads on Facebook is $0.559, but it can vary depending on the industry, location, and other factors.

How To Advertise Your Listings with Real Estate Facebook Ads?

Promoting your services and listings on Facebook can greatly boost your business growth.

Research shows that 47% of buyers start their home search online before reaching out to an agent, with many using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

In other words, by utilizing real estate Facebook ads, you can maximize your return on investment (ROI). Some agents have seen remarkable results, earning up to $50,000 in net profits after investing just $2500 in real estate Facebook ads. That’s a whopping 20x ROI!

If you’re interested in harnessing the power of real estate Facebook ads, here are five essential steps to get you started:

1. Choose Your Target Audience In a Specific Niche Market

Ad targeting is a powerful tool that helps you effectively grow your real estate business by reaching potential clients.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” (said about someone who is able to do many things, but is not an expert in any) This highlights the importance of ad targeting. In essence, selecting the right target audience within a niche market is crucial. To thrive in any market, you need to narrow down your focus and concentrate on a specific group.

Demographic targeting enables you to zero in on a particular set of clients, allowing you to direct your efforts and resources more effectively.

  • First-time home buyers: Young professionals, newlyweds, or families searching for their first home.

  • Homeowners & Sellers: Individuals looking to sell their property for various reasons and get the best price.

  • Investors: Individuals or companies interested in purchasing properties for rental income or long-term investment.

  • Downsizers: Retirees or empty nesters seeking smaller, more manageable homes.

  • Luxury market: High-income clients interested in upscale properties or vacation homes.

  • Relocators: People moving to a new city or state for work or personal reasons.

  • Local residents: Individuals already living in the area who may be considering upgrading, downsizing, or changing neighborhoods.

Fortunately, Facebook offers a user-friendly ad format that allows you to select your audience based on specific factors and target them effectively.

However, to keep your costs low and generate genuine engagement, you’ll need compelling ads.Facebook ads featuring high-quality visuals and professional ad copy tend to perform best.

Instead of hiring expensive graphic designers, consider using free real estate ad templates to enhance your visibility from day one!

2. Choose Your Ad Campaign Objective

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to consider how to reach them effectively. It’s also crucial to evaluate where you stand in the sales process and what your campaign goals are. This will help you devise a tailored strategy.

Selecting the right ad campaign objective on Facebook is vital for real estate agents to achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Awareness: Increase brand visibility with a branding ad. Showcase your real estate services and unique selling points to attract attention. This type of ad is ideal for boosting website traffic.

  • Traffic: Direct more visitors to your website or property listings using targeted ads. Utilize engaging images and compelling headlines to entice clicks.

  • Engagement: Enhance interaction on your Facebook posts by promoting content that resonates with your audience. Encourage comments, likes, and shares to boost engagement levels.

  • Leads: Generate buyer or seller leads through lead-generation ads. Offer valuable content, such as a free home valuation or a property search tool, in exchange for contact information.

  • Sales: Retargeting ads can help seal deals by reminding potential clients of listings they’ve previously viewed or shown interest in.

Choose your Facebook ad objective wisely to ensure the effectiveness of your ad campaigns. Additionally, always optimize your posts to cater to the preferences of your audience network.

3. Set a Budget and a Time For Your Real Estate Facebook Ads

Setting a budget and timeframe for your real estate ads on Facebook is crucial. Unfortunately, many agents overlook this step, thinking they can simply boost posts without a plan.

The first step is simple: don’t follow that approach.

To stand out and make the most of your ad budget, follow these steps:

  • Assess your marketing mix: Determine your total budget, including other advertising channels besides Facebook. Decide how much of your overall budget will go towards Facebook ads.

  • Define goals: Clearly outline your objectives for real estate advertising, whether it’s lead generation or increasing brand awareness.

  • Estimate costs: Calculate the average cost to meet your marketing needs, such as acquiring leads or increasing website traffic. Use Facebook Ads Manager to test different ad examples and set a realistic budget.

  • Test and adjust: Start with a smaller budget to test the effectiveness of your ads. Optimize your campaigns based on performance and gradually increase spending.

  • Set a timeframe: Choose an appropriate duration for your campaigns, considering factors like seasonality or the urgency of specific listings.

  • Create a Facebook calendar: Schedule your ads and organic posts on your Facebook business page to maintain a consistent presence.

By planning your budget and timeframe effectively, real estate agents can manage their Facebook ads more efficiently. This approach will help generate leads and achieve your advertising goals.

4. Choose Your Facebook Ad Type Wisely

Selecting the right type of Facebook ad is crucial for successful real estate marketing. Each ad format has its own impact on your audience, so knowing how and when to use them is essential for a winning strategy.

  • Carousel Ads: Showcase multiple properties or different features of a single property to engage your audience with more information and captivating visuals.

  • Single-Image Ads: Create eye-catching ads featuring one image to highlight your listings, promote events like open houses, or boost your personal brand’s visibility.

  • Video Ads: Capture attention with a property tour or share valuable insights through short videos discussing market predictions or real estate tips.

  • Facebook Marketplace Ads: Reach potential clients actively searching for real estate listings by advertising directly on Facebook Marketplace, using either carousel or single post ads.

  • Story Ads: Create immersive, full-screen video or image ads in Facebook Stories to showcase properties or services and increase engagement.

  • Messenger Ads: Engage directly with potential clients through Messenger ads, initiating conversations, answering questions, and generating leads for a personalized experience.

By selecting the right ad type based on your objectives and target audience, you can create compelling ad sets to effectively showcase properties and services.

5. Keep an Eye on Your KPIs

Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your Facebook ads. Aligning KPIs with campaign objectives allows for accurate measurement of success.

However, tracking KPIs can be complex, depending on your campaign goals. It’s essential to have clear milestones and objectives for each Facebook ad to measure performance accurately.

  • For engagement goals, monitor comments, saves, and shares.

  • To measure brand awareness, track website traffic and reach metrics like CPM.

  • For lead generation, keep an eye on form fills (CPAs) and lead conversion rates.

  • Retargeting ads can help close warm leads who have shown previous interest in your offerings.

Use Facebook Insights to Optimize:

Facebook Insights is a valuable analytics tool for monitoring ad performance. It provides insights into audience demographics, engagement, reach, and more. Analyze the performance of each ad format to build effective real estate ad campaigns.

Regularly Review and Adjust:

Continuously monitor your KPIs and make adjustments to your Facebook advertising strategy. By optimizing campaigns based on performance, you can maximize ROI and achieve your goals effectively.

13 Types of Ads to Elevate Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

When it comes to attracting potential clients, you have a plethora of advertising options at your disposal. While real estate agents commonly use ads to demonstrate their market expertise or promote listings, there are numerous other creative ways to showcase your offerings and stand out from the competition.

To get ahead in the game, consider implementing these 13 types of real estate ads:

  • Listing Ads: Show off newly listed properties, homes for sale, or virtual property tours with compelling visuals and detailed descriptions.

  • Open House Ads: Promote upcoming open house events, providing details on property features, date, time, and contact information.

  • Addressing Customer Pain Points: Craft ads that empathize with common customer challenges, offering solutions and demonstrating how you can assist.

  • Customer Testimonial Ads: Utilize customer testimonials to build social proof, showcasing positive feedback and success stories.

  • Free Home Evaluation Ads: Attract potential clients by offering complimentary home evaluations, encouraging them to discover their home’s value.

  • Market Trends Ads: Highlight current market trends such as pricing and inventory to showcase your local market knowledge.

  • Lead Generation Ads: Create ads targeting individuals seeking real estate assistance, emphasizing your expertise and success rate.

  • Neighborhood Expertise Ads: Showcase your knowledge of specific neighborhoods or areas, providing insights into schools, amenities, and local events.

  • Agent Branding Ads: Promote yourself as a real estate agent, focusing on your personal brand, unique qualities, and achievements.

  • Home Selling Tips Ads: Share valuable tips and advice for sellers looking to enhance their property’s appeal and maximize its value.

  • Real Estate Blog Promotion Ads: Drive traffic to your real estate blog by promoting your latest articles or popular content, establishing yourself as an industry expert.

  • Rental Property Ads: Showcase available rental properties, property management services, or tenant screening processes for clients interested in rentals.

By incorporating these diverse ad types into your real estate marketing strategy, you can effectively engage your audience and elevate your brand presence in the market.

Crafting a Follow-Up Strategy to Seal the Deal with Your Leads

Now that you’ve mastered the art of creating and tracking ads effectively, it’s time to devise a follow-up plan.

Every Facebook ad you run serves to promote your listings and real estate services. Whether your goal is to generate fresh leads or convert existing ones, the ultimate aim is to close deals. Therefore, your ads play a pivotal role in this process.

However, relying solely on real estate advertising won’t suffice if you want to capture leads effectively.

Consider setting up dedicated landing pages tailored to capture those leads generated from Facebook. Offer users something valuable in return, like an ebook or a market report, to entice them to provide their email addresses or phone numbers.

Once you’ve amassed contact information, it’s crucial to organize your leads systematically. Categorize them based on their interests, preferences, and readiness to take action. This segmentation will enable you to tailor your follow-ups more effectively.

Prompt outreach is key to nurturing your leads effectively. Reach out to them promptly after they’ve engaged with your Facebook ads to maximize conversion chances.

Lastly, exercise patience and allow time for your leads to progress through the sales funnel. While Facebook ads often yield high returns on investment, achieving success requires perseverance and time.